Our Repeater and Frequency Information
VHF 147.160 +0.6MHz 127.3PLT
UHF 448.525 -5 MHz 100.0PLT
The Salt Lake Crossroads Amateur Radio Club serves as auxiliary communication for the Department of Public Safety for Salt Lake City but we are also able to assist other municipalities, clubs or organizations along the Wasatch Front with amateur radio operator support. We have two repeaters, the frequencies are listed above, both are located on Ensign Peak.
On-Air or Over The Air (OTR) Nets
Our weekly communication net is held each Thursday night at 2100 hours or 9:00PM. The 1st and 3rd Thursday it is held on the UHF frequency and the 2nd and 4th Thursday it is held on the VHF frequency. On the 5th Thursday the net will be held on our Simplex frequency.
Software Defined Radio (SDR)
K7XRD has an SDR, please click here to experience amateur radio through a software defined radio. New to the hobby, this is a great way to listen in on bands you may not have the equipment to hear.
We rely on membership and donations to keep the repeaters alive and functioning, please consider joining or donating to our club, please click here for more information.
In-Person Meetings
As with all clubs, we do hold in person meetings. We attempt to hold these once a month but depending on numerous schedules that just may not happen. Check back here for more information or simply check out our calendar.
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